Realize and Thrive archive: MIABOLTE.COM as it appeared until March 2013
Mia Bolte, MA, Buddhist-Inspired Psychology & Consultation, 612.701.2027
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What is Your Longing?

A group workshop to explore what REALLY wants to happen in your life

  • Explore what you yearn or long for in your life
  • Individual and group support and process to aid exploration
  • Redefine how to be in a group in a way that is satisfying and supportive

Each workshop consists of four to six meetings depending on the season

Addressing the Inner Critic

This four-week group will provide a safe and supportive environment to work with the inner critic which is based on feeling  "not being good enough" or a sense of feeling badly about aspects of the self. The inner critic squelches motivation, sabotages self-care, feeds addictive behaviors, lowers self-esteem and censors creative potential. 

Through small group discussion, guided imagery, art, gentle yoga and movement we will focus on self-care and empowerment so we can stop doubting ourselves and further enjoy our lives.

Over the course of the month, participants will develop personalized tools for working with the inner critic and increasing self-esteem.










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©2012-2013 Mia Bolte All Rights Reserved designer: Karoline Dehnhard
Home Who's Mia Psychotherapy Consulting Meditation Workshops More... Aspirations FAQ Rates Resources Contact ph:612.701.2027